I've heard the rumors and read the blog posts, but I had yet to see it in the wild. Great Lakes Brewing, the pride of Cleveland, Ohio, has finally come to grocery stores in DC. Well the magical day is finally here (for me anyways).
Being originally from Ohio, I occasionally like being able to enjoy some of the fruits from the city of my youth (however few they are). And like perogies and stadium hot dogs, nothing says Cleveland native more than Great Lakes Beer. In the past, I would have to haul back a load of 12 packs every time I went back home to visit and inevitably share them with all my friends and neighbors down here.
I immediately scooped up a sixer of Dortmunder Gold (their most popular and arguably best beer) and Burning River Pale Ale (which Girlfriend has taken a liking to). As we headed home I couldn't wait to not only open up a few while sitting on the couch that evening but tell my friends where they can get their own!
This is amazing. I might have to make a pilgrimage this weekend.